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"Great Questions Of The New Testament"

Larry R. Ping II


     One of the greatest tools of learning is asking questions. Posing a question causes one to think, to contemplate. The New Testament is full of great questions. Consider.


     1) Which Of You By Taking Thought Can Add One Cubit Unto His Stature (Matt. 6:27)?


     2) Good Master, What Shall I Do That I May Inherit Eternal Life (Mk. 10:17)?


     3) And Why Call Ye Me, Lord, Lord, And Do Not The Things Which I Say (Lk. 6:46)?


     4) And Whomsoever Liveth And Believeth In Me Shall Never Die. Believest Thou This (Jn. 11:26)?


     5) Sirs, What Must I Do To Be Saved (Acts 16:30)?


     6) Shall We Continue In Sin, That Grace May Abound (Rom. 6:1)?


     7) Is Christ Divided? Was Paul Crucified For You? Or Were You Baptized In The Name Of Paul (I Cor. 1:13)? 


     8) For What Fellowship Hath Righteousness With Unrighteousness? And What Communion Hath Light With Darkness (II Cor. 6:14)?


     9) For Do I Now Persuade Men, Or God? Or Do I Seek To Please Men (Gal. 1:10)?


     10) O Foolish Galatians, Who Hath Bewitched You, That Ye Should Not Obey The Truth, Before Whose Eyes Jesus Christ Hath Been Evidently Set Forth, Crucified Among You (Gal. 3:1)?


     11) Am I Therefore Become Your Enemy, Because I Tell You The Truth (Gal. 4:16)?


     12) Who Did Hinder You That Ye Should Not Obey The Truth (Gal. 5:7)?


     13) Remember Ye Not, That, When I Was Yet With You, I Told You These Things (II Thess. 2:5)?


     14) For If A Man Not Know How To Rule His Own House, How Shall He Take Care Of The Church Of God (I Tim. 3:5)?


     15) If Ye Endure Chastening, God Dealeth With You As With Sons; For What Son Is He Whom The Father Chasteneth Not (Heb. 12:7)?


     16) What Doth It Profit, My Brethren, Though A Man Say He Hath Faith, And Have Not Works? Can Faith Save Him (James 2:14)?


     17) For The Time Is Come That Judgment Must Begin At The House Of God: And If It First Begin At Us, What Shall The End Be Of Them That Obey Not The Gospel Of God (I Pet. 4:17)?


     18) Seeing Then That All These Things Shall Be Dissolved, What Manner Of Persons Ought Ye To Be In All Holy Conversation And Godliness, Looking For And Hasting Unto The Coming Of The Day Of God, Wherein The Heavens Being On Fire Shall Be Dissolved, And The Elements Shall Melt With Fervent Heat (II Pet. 3:11-12)?


     19) Who Is He That Overcometh The World, But He That Believeth That Jesus Is The Son Of God (I Jn. 5:4)? Great questions emanating from God’s Word deserve our utmost attention! Have you given that yet?

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